T.I., who lives in Atlanta, was in his car listening to V-103 yesterday afternoon when he heard a report that man was threatening to jump off a hotel roof in downtown Atlanta.
T.I. (aka Clifford Harris) called the radio station and talked to DJs Ryan Cameron and Rashan Ali to get more details and drove to the location where he asked police negotiators -- who were trying to talk the man down -- if he could get a shot at the megaphone.
Perhaps the potential jumper -- who still has not been identified -- is a T.I. fan. T.I. quickly shot a phone video which police brought up to the rooftop and showed to the man saying that he understood what the man was going through, and wanted to talk to the man. After viewing with video, the man agreed to come down from the 22-story Colony Square Hotel and talk to the rapper up (down?) close and personal.
After a few minutes of talking to T.I. the man -- who has only been identified as Joshua, aged 22 -- was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital for a psych eval.
So yeah, our boy T.I. can be a bad boy at times -- arrests for buying machine guns in the parking lot of an Atlanta grocery store; smoking weed and popping E while driving down Sunset Blvd. in Beverly Hills, CA for instance. In fact, he's going in front of a federal judge tomorrow (Friday 10/15) to face parole violation charges that can send him back to prison.
But yesterday's incident shows he can be a good guy, too. Nothing makes you feel better than knowing you may have saved a man's life.
Bet T.I. slept real good last night!