Acid Attack Self-Inflicted? (Updated 9/17)
Police are investigating whether a 28-year-old Washington state woman splashed acid on her own face in an attempt to get intention!
Bethany Storro had told police that an unknown woman walked up to her on a city street and said, "Hey, pretty girl, do you want to drink this?" and then threw a cup of acid in her face.
Storro described the woman as being "black with a slicked-back ponytail," and a police subsequently released a composite sketch of the alleged attacker based on her description.
"It was the most painful thing ever," Storro told the AP. "My heart stopped. It ripped through my clothing the instant it touched my shirt; I could feel it burning through my second layer of skin."
But now there are some who are questioning her account. For one, people say, Storro is deaf. How could she have heard what the woman said?
Also, Storro's eyes were not splashed because she was wearing sunglasses. But, some are asking, why was she wearing sunglasses when the alleged attack took place after sunset.
And a group of homeless people, said that there was no one in the vicinity when Storro fell to the ground writhing, and screaming that she's been attacked.
Storro was supposed to appear on Oprah, but canceled the appearance after doubts were raised about the attack.
Police will be holding a press conference at 4 p.m. PST (7 p.m. EST) to talk about the case.
UPDATE: Police officials reveal in a late Thursday afternoon press conference that Bethany Storro has admitted that she lied, and that she acid attack was self-inflicted.
Storro had received an outpouring of both sympathy and money after leading the police -- and the nation -- that a black woman with a slicked-back ponytail walked up to her in the street and threw a cup of acid in her face. Storro said she'd never seen the woman before, but told police that the woman had "this weirdness about her," and said she thought the woman might have felt jealousy or rage for some reason.
"It was the most painful thing ever," she said from her hospital bed. "My heart stopped. It ripped through my clothing the instant it touched my shirt; I could feel it burning through my second layer of skin."
In a press conference about a week after being released from the hospital, Storro said she wanted her assailant found, but she planned to forgive her so that she herself could move on.
Storro's parents released a statement Friday morning, saying that they did not know why their daughter would manufacture such a hoax, and apologized to the nation for her behavior.
They also said all the monetary donations sent to Storro would be returned.